Lab Systems

MaterialsZone™ Platform - LIMS and ELN Functionality

MaterialsZone is an innovative Materials Informatics cloud platform that brings materials-based products to market better and faster. 

The platform leverages materials data and AI to accelerate the development of materials-based products, empowering researchers and organizations to achieve Lean R&D.

The platform also supports and enhances core functionalities of traditional lab data systems such as LIMS (Lab Information Management System) and ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook). 

Being an All-in-one Materials Informatics and LIMS & ELN platform makes it the best fit for Global Enterprise organizations supporting;  

1. Cloud based, Multi-site operation 

2. Organizational collaboration and materials / formulations data knowledge center

3. Advanced data analytics

LIMS (Lab Information Management System) Functionality

Sample Management and Tracking

MaterialsZone offers comprehensive sample management capabilities, including sample tracking, unique sample identification, and real-time sample status monitoring. These features ensure full traceability and efficient handling of all laboratory samples.

Data Search and Management

The MaterialsZone platform provides robust search functionality for samples, tests, and results, coupled with secure data storage and retrieval. It supports various data types including numeric, boolean, text, and images, with built-in data entry validation to ensure data integrity.

Test and Result Management

The platform allows users to record and store test results, linking them directly to specific samples. It supports a wide range of data types, enabling comprehensive documentation of all experimental outcomes.

Quality Control

The platform includes potent quality assurance tools necessary for maintaining lab standards. It supports QC sample tracking and provides essential tools for quality control processes, helping to maintain the integrity of your lab operations.

Batch Processing

MaterialsZone batch processing capabilities allow users to efficiently manage and process samples in batches, improving overall laboratory productivity.

Multi-site Support

MaterialsZone supports multi-site organizational operations, allowing for management, coordination and unified value creation using data across multiple geographic locations. 

Data Visualization and Analysis

MaterialsZone uses proprietary Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) tools for analyzing data sets and summarizing their main characteristics. Users can leverage various statistical graphics and visualization methods, including histograms, correlations, scatter plots, and violin plots, facilitating quick insights and data-driven decision making. These allow researchers to identify trends and patterns in their experimental data, improve the DOE, shorten the number of experiments and accelerate the development process.


The platform supports data export in common formats like Excel, facilitating easy sharing and further analysis of results. 

Integration with Instruments and Data Systems

The platform offers interfacing with laboratory instruments and the ability to import data directly from these instruments. This integration streamlines data collection processes and reduces the risk of manual data entry errors. The platform provides APIs for integration with other business systems such as ERP or CRM, enabling seamless data connection, aggregation and flow across your organization, that provide you with a single source of truth for all your data.

Data Security and Compliance

We prioritize fortified data security and integrity. Our system implements robust user authentication and role-based access control. We're SOC2 Type II certified, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security, privacy, and compliance.

User Management

The platform provides comprehensive user management features, including user authentication, access control, and role-based permissions. This ensures that users have appropriate access to system functions based on their responsibilities.

ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook) Functionality

Experiment Documentation and Data Management

Comprehensive digital experiment documentation capabilities are provided, allowing users to create, edit, and store detailed experimental protocols, observations, and results. The no-code interface allows for the creation of complex data structures, enabling researchers to tailor the system to their specific needs without requiring programming skills. Cross-referencing functionality allows users to link related experiments or entries, providing a holistic view of research projects.

Search and Data Retrieval

Powerful search functionality allows users to quickly locate specific experiments, data points, or protocols across the entire database. This feature significantly reduces time spent searching for information, improving overall lab efficiency. The system's ability to search through all entries ensures that no valuable data is overlooked.

Data Visualization and Analysis

MaterialsZone uses proprietary Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) tools for analyzing data sets and summarizing their main characteristics. Users can leverage various statistical graphics and visualization methods, including histograms, correlations, scatter plots, and violin plots, facilitating quick insights and data-driven decision making. These allow researchers to identify trends and patterns in their experimental data, improve the DOE, shorten the number of experiments and accelerate the development process.

Collaboration and File Sharing

Seamless collaboration among team members is fully supported, allowing multiple users to access and contribute to the same projects, fostering teamwork and knowledge sharing. The platform also allows for file attachments, enabling users to store various file types (e.g., images, PDFs, spreadsheets) alongside experimental notes, ensuring all relevant information is kept together in one place.

Data Security and Compliance

We prioritize fortified data security and integrity. Our system implements robust user authentication and role-based access control. We're SOC2 Type II certified, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security, privacy, and compliance.

Data Interoperability

The MaterialsZone platform supports both import and export functionality, allowing for seamless integration with other tools in your research workflow. This feature ensures that data can be easily moved in and out of the system, promoting flexibility and compatibility with your existing processes and instruments.